How to make a Level/EXP System! (IN GAME ONLY!), and the illusion of getting stronger! 4/10 or 🟨

Ohhhhhhh but thought ppl were sayn they got banned??

and other stuff…
(you don’t want to know)

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Wha whattt??? Now im curous

I do not.

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basically guy with inappropriate user name goes into lots of different guides and start cursing at them…

Dang….I didn’t know what their username was/meant, and I pinged them…yikes

Can we stop giving them attention and ruining this guide? They got flagged, they’ll get banned soon, please stop talking about it.
People like them want attention, don’t give it to them.


haha ikr O_O then make a petition

jk lol lol

lol fr though


i try lol thanks for sharing all this info :slight_smile: i like your take on it

GimSolver has Leveled Up! (They reached lvl. 10! They get a :cookie:) Well, an illusional Cookie!

All jokes aside, this is very simple, yet very well written and can be used in so many maps, if not all, just as an addition to add spice to your game. I wish Coral was still around, but :saluting_face: and amazing job. I’ve seen this before, but never used it. I’ll it it now, because, I now know what a device is…

Hey, smart peeps, how do I just make it so they level up when they make a counter hit the target?
Yo, @Anonymous, thanks! Whenever I need help, it’s nice to know that you’re there! :smile:


You make the target increase another counter.

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Set target value: any number ig
When target value reached, broadcast on: LVLUP
Reset counter when receiving on: LVLUP
new property - "level"
new counter
Increment when receiving on: LVLUP
When value changed, update property: level

should work, level updates whenever the first counter (stored exp) hits the target value (which is when the player levels up), the first counter resets upon hitting the target value