How to Make A Height Counter and Overlay (Like The One In Don't Look Down)

Here’s a quick tutorial on how to make a height counter in Gimkit Creative for maps like Don’t Look Down!

Difficulty: :orange_square: 5/10

Necessary Devices: 1 End of Game Widget, 1 Player Coordinates, 1 Property, and 1 Game Overlay.

  1. Make A Height Counter Machine

Here, I’ll focus on making the height counter.

  1. End of Game Widget

  1. Player Coordinates

  1. Height Property

  1. Wires

First, place one wire from the Player Coordinates to the End of Widget.

Then, place another wire from the Height Property to the End of Widget.

  1. Map

Finally, to finish the height counter, use the following settings in your map options.

That’s it for the counter! Now, for the Game Overlay!

  1. Game Overlay

For the Game Overlay, use these settings.

Finally, go into blocks and place the following:

There you go! You should now have a working height display for your Gimkit Creative map!
If you need any help, feel free to post a reply. Just tag me and I’ll try to respond quickly!

BTW, credit to the following posts for doing the same things before me:


Welcome back @SourApple!


Nice guide! And welcome back! :grin:
You should add an example to demonstrate the result.

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never thought about using a end of game widget

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I got it from a tutorial which I linked at the bottom of the post.

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I could have sworn I’d seen this before…

You saved me! i thought that i would fail my game without height, but thanks to this guide, the height system completly works!

Awesome! Thanks for the credit!

Give credit! :smiley:

I didn’t use that tutorial…

…however this is a duplicate guide. To prevent posting duplicate guides, search in advance.

Also, that is kind of a necropost considering this is a duplicate guide, and you replied after two months.