How to make a Gym Setup!

hmmm, i open every “hide details” thing, pretty long

ideas is only for Help topics

(post deleted by author)

alright i fixed it thanks for reminding me!

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dang deleted right as you posted it…
lol nice troll


it’s fine tags change a lot and often on random posts
this is pretty up to date though

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For Li1_reaper

It wasn’t a troll, my friend wrote it, he said “He didn’t feel like writing it on his account” so I deleted it, he can write it himself if he really wants to.

Nice guide and all, but what’s the point of approving yourself with this?

Don’t even think this is appropriate for a school environment.

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wdym like most people on here are like 6-12th grade
i mean i could fix emojis but idk what much you want its suppost to make it look good

You cannot be serious.
Given the behavior of many forumers to instinctively flag any negative content, improperly describe their maps when requesting ideas, and frequently start off-topic discussions, I can nearly guarantee you that many people here are in elementary school.


Okay two things:

  1. There were two corrections: Mine was too remove the ideas tag and @EggNoodle was just ASKING if it was school appropriate
  2. This is a great guide, let’s quit the arguing so this doesn’t get closed.

Awesome guide I will definitely try to make the gym!

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Nice guide, It is helpful, I had an idea for it, but this makes it easier.

id rather it get closed its just filled with arguing anyways it dont matter at this point

Nah, it’s a good guide, I don’t want it closed.

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i wont close it but if it gets closed i wont really care tbh.

I get that, but still.

@Li1_reaper could I tweek this and add it to my playground Guide


Cool Park Ideas Wiki 🛝 [WIP]

sure you can if you want @CoolGimkitPlayer

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btw sorry for getting mad its just for me when i spend time on something having somebody come correct me it just makes it feel like i put less effort ive always been a person who has been independent due to my childhood and i feel like when people tr building my work up it just brings me down and my effort down with it

sorry for getting mad
i just wanted to clarify
this is to everybody not just harharharhar83