How to make a DnD board game | Difficulty: đźź©

This is a prop, not a real game, You could modify it to be a real game, but for now, it’s just a prop.

Step 1. Get a table, any table
Screenshot 2023-08-25 2.34.29 PM

Step 2. Get space trash, this is for a board
Screenshot 2023-08-25 2.34.40 PM

Step 3. Add props, like barriers
Screenshot 2023-08-25 2.51.43 PM

Step 4. Add final touches like papers and a command table (and yes, the command table is gim size accurate)
Screenshot 2023-08-25 2.53.25 PM

And that is it, I hope this helps some people!


Nice guide, @Coffee! Why is it in Help though? Also you should add art and a difficulty

I don’t know, I did not know that tag existed

Also, how do you add a dificulty

Let’s ask other people!

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Nice art guide!

Nice art! Just saw this!

I just saw this and this is how i’m going to start DnD map


Found a Vurp pill and used the BUMP pill again

Give me a minute
(Looks through spell book)