How to make a capture-the-flag game!

In case you didn’t know, there is already a capture-the-flag gamemode in Gimkit. But I’m just going to go over how to make one, just in case you didn’t know.

  1. Click on the menu at the top right.
  2. Select the devices section.
  3. Search up ‘flag’.
  4. Place a flag wherever you want in your map. I’m not done with my map yet.
  5. Hover over the flag with your mouse and press c on your keyboard. I don’t have a picture for this.
  6. Make sure that the flags have some distance between them, so that capturing a flag won’t be easy. Also, you’ll probably want them to look a little different. You can do that clicking on the flag and changing the color. I’ll do blue and green, my favorite colors!
    Screenshot 2023-11-10 12.43.27 PM
  7. Head back to the devices section and search up flag capture zone.
    Screenshot 2023-11-10 12.47.29 PM
  8. Place the zone along with the flag. You’ll have to make the zone bigger though, so you have more space to bring back the flags you have captured and so you can protect it. I didn’t make the zones that big, but you can certainly make it bigger!
  9. Decorate your map by placing floors, walls, props and more!
  10. This map isn’t done yet! Click on settings → map options → teams and make it so there will be two teams.
  11. Place some spawn pads from the devices section.
  12. Modify the spawn pads, flags, and flag capture zones. (make sure that the flag capture zones only collect the flag of the opposite team.)

Here’s a screenshot of my map:


Nice Guide!
Just so you know you should probably change the map setting to be by teams because free-for-all means everyone and anyone can get the flag.
You could also add scores, the _ is the agent of the month board, tunnels, and upgrades.


I was going to add scores but I’ve been working on this for hours and I’m tired.

It’s quite simple.

Make a property called “FlagScore.”
Make the scope team and the type number.

Place a Counter.
Now, in the settings of the Counter, make the property updated “FlagScore.”
Lastly, make the scope “team.”

Wire both of the flags to the counter.
Flag Captured > Increment Counter

Lastly, in the leaderboard make the score type track a property and make the property “FlagScore.”
(The property doesn’t have to be 100% exactly right, it’s just a device that can store text or numbers, just keep an easy name to remember to stop you from being confused)


Nice Guide!

Good guide!

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I made something like this too, just without pictures.


Nice guide!

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@WolfShade You forgot the tag zones


Some capture the flag games dont need tag zones maybe?

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Idk I might make a new guide on CTF improved

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How would teams stop their flag from being captured though?
(Unless you use gadgets)

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After I finish my Royale game, I’m making a new one(CTF)


I’m still working on the map.

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Awesome guide, the decoration is great!

@Blizzy I usually don’t use tag zones because I get annoyed when people start puppy-guarding the flags.

I have an idea for a jail for a Capture the Flag map. I will publish a guide on that soon. (I’m kind of procrastinating)

@Haiasi I’ll think about adding gadgets, thanks for the suggestion!

I’ll be updating this soon.