How to make a button spawn you randomly in set spots [resolved]

I’m trying to make a dungeon game where everywhere you go it will spawn you in one of the rooms at random. I can’t figure out how to make you spawn in a random room because it only teleports you to the closest one if you put them all in the same channel.

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Welcome to the forums, @AsherP323! I hope you have a good time here!

Anyway, you would need a randomizer to do this
Try following this guide:

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So, this would work if I put a function for every room in the game and it will randomly teleport me anywhere?

Yeah sorta!

  1. Place a relay
  2. Place a trigger
  3. Wire the relay to the trigger (relay triggeredtrigger)
  4. Open block code in the trigger and follow the randomizer guide
  5. Add teleporters to each of the set spots
  6. In the teleporter options, set teleport player when receiving on, to option #
  7. Do this for all teleporters but with different option numbers

Really hope this helps! If it doesn’t, I can explain it more

Actually try this guide:

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Thank you! It will still be a lot of work, but thank you!

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Hm…I’m not sure, but thanks to anyone who is helping!


No problem! Happy to help!


You welcome, Jobozo1875!

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