I am creating a Bedwars game, and I’ve just added the mechanic that makes Bedwars…Bedwars! And I have looked up “How to Create Bedwars” 30,000 times, and there are like, 6 helps, and a CMG that’s CRAZY. This tutorial is how to create an extremely simple way to add a prop that makes a team Respawn as a spectator when broken. The con is you don’t immidietly become a spectator. That’s how this build is so simple. But bad things aside, lets get into this!
Next, create a little room pretty much saying that the player KO’d. Though, there are some requierments. A checkpoint, (Make it invisible) A button, and a team switcher. (Set it to specific team, and It’ll automaticly set it to spectators which is what we need.
What this does is makes it so that when the bed is destroyed, that team’s new spawn point is in a room saying they KO’d with a button allowing them to spectate. I hope you enjoyed it! If something didn’t work, tell me in the comments so I can take a spin.
I hope this tutorial helps you for any types of bedwars game! Bye!
The guides that already exist on bedwars [especially The Ultimate Guide to Gimkit Bedwars] are more detailed and more helpful than yours is. To avoid having many guides on the same topic that could clutter the forums, we don’t create guides on topics that already exist.