How to implement pseudo-tagging with this method of pseudo-teams
So, I thought of a new method to do pseudo teaming and I have no idea if it is good because I barely tested it. However, I do know that it allows the dropping of items. I came accross this while trying to help @tspentakota in the post:
How it Works
I’ve seen snippets of things called property teaming and I think this is it. Basically, this guide uses player scoped properties to try to recreate the team system. I’m calling this a new type of pseudo teaming and not like, property teaming,…
Why do you need pseudo teams?
I made a working version of pseudo tagging
Just not with pseudo teams for pseudo teams to work with the pseudo tag system i would have to tune it a bit
If you want i can do it later
the # means a non specific number to clarify
anyways i hope you enjoy this guide
(also if ur wondering why i didnt just use a tag device its because pseudo tagging has more capabilities ex: way longer custom tag distance) if you have any questions dont be afraid to ask! meow! :3
the properties settings and names the p#x or p#y properties (the ¨#¨ standing for team/player number)
will be global and number based
(properties used here are p2x,p2y,p1x,p2y)
and then make another 2 global number …
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Pseudo-tagging? Pseudo-teams? WHAT?!?!