How to farm. Difficulty 🟨

What you’ll need;
Water Well Prop x1
Corn Stalk (Empty) Prop x1
Corn Stalk (Full) Prop x1
Item Granter x1
Button x2

First, place a button and make sure the “visible in game” is set to no. Then, change “Interact” to “Water Plants & Wait”. Set the channel the button transmits on to “Crops”. It should look like this;

Next, you’re going to place another button. Change “Interact” to “Harvest Crops?”. Set “active on game start” to “No”. Set “Activate button when receiving on” to “Crops”. It should look like this;

Next, you are going to place the two corn stalks. One empty and one full. (Make sure the full one is NOT visible on game start). It should look like this;

Screenshot 2023-06-23 11.38.24 AM

Wire the green button (or activated one) to the empty stalk. Wire it like “Button Pressed” to “Hide Prop”. Wire the orange button (or deactivated one) to the empty stalk. Wire it like “Button Pressed” to “Show Prop”. Now, wire the green button to the full stalk. Wire it like “Button Pressed” to “Show Prop”. Wire the orange button to the full stalk and set it like “Button Pressed” to “Hide Prop”. It should look like this;

Screenshot 2023-06-23 11.43.31 AM

Next your going to wire the orange button to an Item Granter. So, place an Item Granter and set the settings like this;

After that, wire the orange button to the item granter like “Button Pressed” to “Item Granted”.
Next your going to overlay the two corn stalks exactly on top of each other. Like this;
Screenshot 2023-06-23 11.47.46 AM

Lastly, place your water well below your green button. It should look like this;

Now when you start the game you can farm!
Thank you for reading and if you feel this was helpful please leave a like!
(You can make it with venders as well just change the buttons to venders, make sure the bottom one is “transmit on channel”, and the one that grants corn requires whatever the other one gave you. (preferably water))


Nice guide! Simple, concise, and easy to understand!


Very nice guide, @RandomKid. (Out of likes, but will come back)


However, should there be a wire repeater between the green button and the grown prop and the item granter to simulate waiting?


If you want waiting you can either do that or set the vending machine interaction time to 5 seconds. Its up to you.


Also thx everyone for being so kind!


You forgot to like it lol


You can get leader, but only from an admin.

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Sad, I know.

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Thanks! It works! Nice job

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Thank you @Technoblade !

there is a little problem with that… when you press the not on button when it turns on, if you press it more than once, it will keep giving you corn…is there a way to fix that?

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Exactly that is a major problem

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Make the button deactivate itself when pressed by having it send a channel that goes to itself to deactivate

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or wire it to a wire repeater and wire it back to itself (Button pressed → Deactivate button)

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Either works

Dang, this guide was so great, I grew the rare Bump Plant!
