How to do u create game "Time Survived" like in Snowy Survival?

Thanks, that was very helpful.

Thanks You. Very Helpful Info.

Could be more detail about it like adding some pics

There are some pictures if you look at the topic.

It says it is private or not available.

Try using this!

No, for a score. Like for the Leaderboard.

Oh hmm. Maybe make the guide above but also have it update a property. Then, you can use the property for the leaderboard. That should work. Maybe?

Let Me try something

Welcome to the forum, @KingJames! You may want to read new-user-must-read or beginner-must-read . Anyway, just go into settings and go into the options for leaderboard and click it “Time of survival”

Can U give a visual of that/

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I don’t think there’s an option for that.

Just make the players earn an item every second and set the leaderboard to amount of items.

I guess that would work.


Do you know how to do that? Mark a solution if you don’t need me to explain!

Players could just drop that item and it could interfere with other game mechanics…

Why would they drop it? I have a map like that and it’s perfectly fine.

I will just make it to the point that they cant drop anything

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I’m confused. You joined on Sep 3 but your first post was today?