How to do u create game "Time Survived" like in Snowy Survival?

Players could just drop that item and it could interfere with other game mechanics…

Why would they drop it? I have a map like that and it’s perfectly fine.

I will just make it to the point that they cant drop anything

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I’m confused. You joined on Sep 3 but your first post was today?

They could drop that item and other people would get points.
That could cheese/break the game.
If you set it to so player’s can’t drop items, that’ll interfere with game mechanics.

They could do that but what if there are no portions in the game where they would need to drop and also, why would they want to lose points and drop it?

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Maybe for trolling and to cheese the game?
That’s why it’s probably better to use Lifecycles, Repeaters and Properties because so it’s not cheesable.
Also, it feels kinda weird having an item in your inventory that you can’t use and can be solved with another solution.

Glad you found the solution, @KingJames. And Welcome to the forums!

Welcome to the forums @KingJames

Welcome to :+1:

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