How to check if someone is outside a zone?

If it uses properties, doesn’t fit into the thinner category of PPs? Or is that something else?

Have a property that is true/false, with the default being true.
This property will answer “Is the player outside the zone?”.
Have it so when they enter, it broadcasts to a trigger and it becomes false,
and then it broadcasts to a different trigger that makes it true again once they exit.
This should set up a constant way for the game to check if they’re outside it or not.
Hope this helps!

Are you trying to do a storm type thing like on a battle royale? If so, I can give you a guide. Just give me a couple minutes.

Yes, I’m trying to do exactly that

Give me a second. I’ll look and see if there a guide on that.

Here you go!

mark a solution please.

I already found this guide and it didn’t really work

Really? Ok. Hold up, let me see if there’s another one

Did you try what I suggested? Did it work? It should.

I read all these comments and I agree, it should work

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I can’t, I’m in the middle of making a very long guide. Checkers (the game), to be exact. I digress, let’s stay on topic.

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@Bobo Mark a solution if it worked

Did you see my reply? I just want to know

yes, but I think he’s trying @Here_to_help 's method first

Ok, I was wondering because my idea would take a lot less time and devices.

I agree, but I think he already got off the forum, because he’s not responding. He’s probably testing it

All my idea would take is 2 triggers, a property, and a zone.

Though both methods could work, I think that @cheesebox 's would be easier memory-wise,
while @Here_to_help 's guide would work the best when it comes to simplicity.

I’m confused about your idea. If the zones are activating and deactivating, then what happens if one activates and you’re not in it and never enter? The property never would have changed if you were in the previous zone, and while you are outside of the zone, the property says you are inside.

He’s doing a battle royale, so you’ll be in the zone when he starts the game, and then move inward and if you don’t then the zone will catch you and do damage.