How to Add Speed- Difficulty 2/5 or 🟨

Yeah, I used to use them a ton before moving on to properties in early june.

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I have a bad experience with variables since I learned scratch in like 5th grade, and I didn’t know what variables were, and the bad impression still sticks to me. That’s why you NEVER EVER have seen me use variables. And the fact that it’s inefficient most of the time.

Well, they can be convenient if you don’t want to close out of the block interface and it is a one use property only used in the block interface I guess. Like if you wanted to use a random number and reference it in the same block, you could use variables? idk

Variables are great - one of the best ways to store data in most programming languages!

That being said, properties are quite literally the GKC equivalent of global variables (and ‘variables’ in GKC are specifically local variables), so they’re usually the best option for any variable that could potentially be needed outside of a single block-script. The principle behind using local variables is generally to (1) save space, (2) keep things organized within your code, and (3) allow for multiple versions of the same variable (an iteration variable named i, for example) to be used in multiple different scripts throughout the program - all of these things can be used in GKC just as effectively, and I’m sure there are plenty of situations where using variables can be useful :]

tl;dr variables do have their uses - I’m sure a guide on them would be helpful to anyone who hasn’t used them before!


Yeah, variables are useful in certain situations, but those situations rarely occur. Or when they do occur, like in this guide, concatenation arrives at the scene. Basically, variables are rarely ever useful.


bump because We miss you Mysz!

Why did mysz ask to be suspended?

Because of the off-topic post, chatting, and drama. I have thought about it myself, but I like this community and am not sure how it would do with out me.

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Just another reason we need TL4.

No it’s because the forums were just not fun anymore. There isn’t anything interesting and almost no one was doing original stuff.


That as well, I messaged him on the wix before he left and that is why he did, at least what i was told.

He talked about it on discord for a while.

which one, gimkits, or karls?

It was in a group chat. I should not have added the.

the…? nvm, but we do need to get on topic and did you vote yet?

Vote for what?

Tl4, we want as much of the community to vote. this is just for yes or no, not who will be tl4.

Bump because this is a great guide

I tried to do this with damage instead of speed and it only goes to the first one and not the second, third, etc. can someone help me fix this?