How to Add Speed- Difficulty 2/5 or 🟨

Can you double check your channels and blocks?


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Hello! in the image you showed you placed “speed 1” I dont understand what that is that
like a channel for the vending machine? I dont understand because it doesnt allow me to even create a channel for the vending machine

It appears to be a channel. You could also use wires.

how? can you send me a sc?

Erm…no. Actually its just a text block. You have to go into the blocks of that device.

… bru why no sc SIGH anyway it sorta worked… ithink

Yo you know how you have 5 speed variables if I have only 3 vending machines to buy from then i only put two right or do i still put all 5?

Have you heard of concatenation? It could really help out in this scenario. I would assume that you would put three channels, if you can only get a max value of 3.

nope : ( i do not know what that is

What do you mean?

Then just use the first three checks.

wym three checks I just quit on the speed thing :frowning:


Only make the block out to Speed = 3.

nah its okay i deleted everything im not gonna be able to make that so i just quit on it

Alright then. We live, we learn.

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why did @mysz get suspended???

They wanted to be

bump, my second guide`