How to add in a typing system like that of Among us's into gimkit

Do you guys know any way to add in a texting system to the game whether its through text boxes or signs?

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this should go in help also let me think for a minute

you could make a keyboard with triggers and text box’s with letters over them

there was a guide on this but it was an 10/10 and got taken down

why’d t get taken down @Quirky

a lot of guides got taken down because of a glitch or something I don’t really know

there are a lot of people smarter then me that could help you like @mysz, @Slim or @Shdwy

okay then lets hope they see the post and maybe gimme advice on a guide

You will need to use a keyboard for that, but it looks like the guide on how to make one is glitched.


Okay then so what should I be doing in the meanwhile? Just wait for the smart dudes to reply

yeah there’s not much you can do just try and work on other parts of your game for now

They could the in game chat guide :point_down:

Not true
Text Entry System

For the keyboard, and when you finish,

Make this:

How to make an In-Game Chat System!

I’m assuming you are referring to a chat system in among us?

sorry I should have done more research

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