How do you skip lines in block text

Maybe something to do with substrings? You could make some new way to use them, to save memory when doing this, or making a way to do that, so on and so forth.

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Anything with text operations is still new, so you could try that!

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Iā€™m trying to get everything really efficient. But Iā€™m putting a hold on that because Iā€™m working on a map.

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Like what part of text operations? What part of it do other people see as complicated (and doesnā€™t have a guide for it already)?

You mean like stuff like efficient save-file code, storing bits as text? Iā€™m kinda looking for a topic to make another guide on (while I be lazy on the 150 screenshots needed to update the chess guide). As I replied to ClicClac, I donā€™t really have a sense of scope here.

Itā€™s still kinda new, so unless youā€™re like Blackhole and want to make a 3d engine in GKC, I would suggest trying to recreate existing things in other games, like text writing itself out!

Well I already planned the 3D for eventually, which is gonna be my guide/wiki/attempt at replicating OpenGL on Gimkit.

I can probably rephrase that a little better (or worse)ā€¦ Iā€™m having issues thinking of a mechanic from another game that isnā€™t groundbreaking like raytracing/AI but would be a challenge to make. Me on absolutely no sleep and jet lagged rip

Can you explain it more and tell me what it is for and give some screenshots?


I can try to resolv it.


Maybey try breaking the code into sections, the deactivate sections when you need to

I donā€™t think you get the issue hereā€¦ You know how you can have multiple lines in a text object?

If you edit a text object with block code, you canā€™t go to the next line, but only have a string of characters such as:
rather then:

150 screenshots? Talk about detail. Warning: You can only upload 5 at a time. I know from when someone asked me to upload 60 screenshots at once.

Well itā€™s a wiki, and I know a couple of tricks I can use :slight_smile:
But itā€™s less detail and more just the general complexityā€¦
My screenshots for the first 5% or so of the AI and chess workā€¦

Itā€™s a wiki? Whereā€™s the guide? I thought you were making it now!

Well the guide had a 3 day limit since Iā€™m not a regular yet, so someone made me a wiki. In the end Iā€™ll just copy it over to a guide, but this is a decent way to maintain edit access.

OHHH, I get it, I thought he wanted to skip the CODE lines
Wait, I am going to have to think about thisā€¦

Itā€™s not really possible to do without bypassing some underlying text mechanicsā€¦
I might make a tutorial at some point once I stop being lazy and figure it out lol (which is me saying idk how to do it).

I implemented this in one of my sadly unfinished games a while ago and seeing this I went back to rediscover that method. With some research I have concluded that this is actually possible to do however probably due to a bug on Gimkitā€™s end since this makes no sense. Basically if you have a string of text long enough[1] like this:


and have it implemented in a popup that is on the bottom row. (top row doesnā€™t work :man_shrugging: this leads me to believe it is a bug) it will auto wrap and create a new line. This method is unaffected by text combining method, html tags, or property input which leads me to believe it is simply a bug.

If you happen to start the next line using one single letter followed by a space (e.g. ā€œA donut :doughnut:ā€) it will not display as you would like. (youā€™ll see if you try). Another oddity is that since the overlay is a % of the display screen it will not always display new lines correctly.

So basically the user would have to manually increase or decrease resolution of the Minimap, if you were using this for it, until it displayed correctly.

  1. long in a measure of pixels, not # of chracters ā†©ļøŽ


Couldnā€™t You Use Invisible Characters Mixed With That To Make It?
Invisible Characters: Invisible Character

Why would you need to skip text? @Shdwy
There might be a way around it.