How do you make the lasers turn on and off?

Oops! Yes, this is too much. My memory map has 81% memory. Is there another way to do this?

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I’m not experienced with that kinda stuff. I’m kinda mid on here. lol.

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ok ok thank you for everything I hope I can find a solution to this

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@AhmetT I’ll try to help you once i get home :smile:


Not at home either! Wow! … now back on topic for me. Anything else, @AhmetT

Actually I think I want a lot of new ideas for my map so can you vote here?

Sorry, I can’t find a way to help. Good luck though.


can you use repeaters, where on game start, it sets the thing off, and then it just keeps looping with repeaters. (Ima check to see if this works

You know, I just realized that repeaters take 400 memory… and my map’s memory is almost 81% full. That’s why I decided not to use repeaters.

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Oh, whoops i ment wire repeaters…

this is what i ment.
repeaters hooked up to each other like a loop. (remeber to add delay)
and use a lifecycle to start the loop.

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You can use this guide, I recently had the same question
Configurable timed lasers (Difficulty: :green_square:) - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative
One of the comments can fix it if it isn’t working


@AhmetT Do you still need help? I would believe not.

Please don’t necropost. They haven’t been online for over a month.


If you knew that they were not online, then why would you make that post.


They did not know.

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But it says Read 1d (< 1m recently) so they were just online? But sorry, I didn’t know that necroposting wasn’t allowed.

Little off topic sorry

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Recently means within the last 100 days…


i’m pretty sure it only counts if they posted. not reading.

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Hello, I’m here. Character limit