I Know how to fix this.
You need to set the WIRE REPEATER to have a delay (Not 0)
You need to set the Time to run Setting to a number higher than the pre-set 10 seconds, or it’ll only work for ten seconds
I set mine to the max, which is 1800 seconds
If you want the laser to run forever (And not use as much memory as using a Repeater), then do as I show
Step 1 Delete/Erase the Repeater, NOT the Wire Repeater
Step 2 Get two Wire Repeaters
Then Conect them like so-
(Connect the Wire Repeater that’s being pointed to by the Red Arrow to the Wire Repeater being pointed to by the Blue Arrow with a wire. There’s only 1 option to select)
Then do this
(Again Red Arrow to Blue Arrow)
By the way
The Bottom Wire Repeater has no delay
While the wire repeater above the bottom one has your own custom delay (although It has to be Above 0, or it won’t work)
Next Conect what I show (as always Red to Blue)
And connect it with-
(and yes, I am using a skin, it’s the scribble skin if you were wondering)
And Finaly-
(Red to Blue ya know da deal)
Now it should be fixed, and function indefinitely if do so choose.