What new things should I add to my map? (Vote📊)

You can vote here, by the way, after I close the poll, you can give your opinions about it.

  • In-Game Chat
  • Museum
  • Laboratory
  • Library
  • Art (with props/blocks or using devices)
  • Other
0 voters

Thank You!

what game is it?
also sometimes it’s better if you can choose multiple options

what do I make?
  • Laboratory
  • library
  • In-Game Chat
  • Museum
  • Other
  • Art (with blocks or devices)
0 voters

Are there more people who can vote for this, please?
I need more people to vote to decide…

Thanks to:

  • speedy_kd4
  • iexist
  • Epi320
  • Scoopala7
  • vqnillaxx
  • Cellofive
  • XxAaronDaBeastxX
  • Apricity
  • max1
  • Jordan.meiser
  • gimmaster12345
  • Green_Fox98
  • Foxy
  • leo_flowers
  • Dragon_Tamer
  • Buck
  • UnityHavoc
  • Coolcaden26
  • Lostsea3
  • California_Love
  • shinyrowlet

*(I will put the people names who voted for this)
*(If I didn’t put your name it means I haven’t updated the list yet)

[I will close the poll when 20-30 people vote.]

[https://forum.creative.gimkit.com/t/what-new-things-should-i-add-to-my-map-vote/34629v](What new things should I add to my map? (Vote📊))


Why can you vote for everything…

more votes???

foxy asked for multiple options. i listend.

these are all great id go with game chat and art

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If you make the in-game chat could you make a guide? I’ve always wondered how it would work and don’t feel like trying to do it myself if I’m being honest.

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Yes, I will do it too, I wrote to you here.

Okay, it looks like a lot of people have asked me to do in-game chat, so hopefully this will be the last new thing on my map.

If you have guides or ideas on how to do this, please write to me.

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There’s a chat guide I’m pretty sure, so try looking that up!

Yes, I found 2. I don’t want it to be more than 5%-6% memory.

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I think the chat depends on how many different types of phrases you want. If you have like 6 different types of words, that you should be ok.

If more than like, 10, then probably not.

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