How do you make a time thingy for like 12-6am?

yeah it may take up 90% of you memory to do so. if it is 30-35 minutes that would take 1,800-2,100 different animations.

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uh oh. So could I have it wait? It just needs to change every five minutes to the next hour of the day.

yeah you can change it for ever five minutes. so it would change 6 to 7 times a match.

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so it would take up less memory?

yes. basically that’s what he’s saying

Yeah, I would say a lot less.

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Hey shadow I have been working on it and it think I have it figured out so after school I will help u.

I was on, sorry. I didn’t see your message, I’m busy with school but I try to find free time.

Hey I’m back! I’m sorry but I have to go again. I’ll be back in another hour and a half. I’m so sorry! I really want to help you, but I have to go to class.

Your fine :slight_smile:

Ok. Lets hope my chrome book doesn’t die :rofl:

Your fine, were all busy with something at some point. anyways gtg. Band

Hey! I coincidentally have made this sort of thing before. If you don’t want an overlay, here’s what you need: 1 Trigger, 1 Property, 1 Text Device
Have the trigger broadcast on channel ‘time’ and trigger when receiving on ‘time’(a trigger clock). Set the trigger’s delay to 60 seconds, and have it trigger as soon as the night starts, through a wire. Then, name the property hour, and set the default value to 12.
Have the text say ‘12 AM’. Then, go into its block code, and enter this under when receiving on channel 'time':
I think this is everything you need!
Make sure there’s a space before the ‘AM’ on the last block so it doesn’t end up saying 1AM.

Huh! thats… amazing!

Question, though, why didn’t you want to use a counter?

I don’t have enough room in my map.

I mean I could probably make room…

Why so many repeaters?
You should switch to channels instead of wires, btw

I was using Haisai’s FNaF guide, and it required ALOT of repeaters. I also don’t understand channels that well either.

Channels are essentially wires that can be in many places at once, but don’t take up any memory and don’t have a limit to how many you can have(At least I don’t think so).