How do you make a time thingy for like 12-6am?

okkkkkayyyyy. Also I might not be on until after school (2:50 essentially, my time)

It looks like your map is almost done, so I’m not going to make you rewire your entire map using channels, but next time you want to use a wire, try and learn using channels, because they can help a lot.

ok makes sense. I will keep that in mind. anyways gtg.

do you mean a clock or a timer?


Hey, Shadow my computer is on 9 rn so I will not be able to help until later.


Have the overlay be with the main few and hide it when going into any of the others.

im in history so I’m confused.

But anyways, the info I gave was for a text device so you’re good

yeah, thank you :smiley:

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I may be able to help (If I can find a stronger power adapter)

ohhhh ok.

Did you test out my idea?

haven’t had the time. teacher is strict.

I only have 3 strict teachers, and one of them really doesn’t like me as the class clown. But I won’t give up! Class clowns shall live to see the end of the world! OH MY GOSH! I’M WAY OFF TOPIC! I’M SO SORRY! I HAVE ALL CAPS! AAAAH!
Ps. I’m a lot funnier, I just don’t have much to think of at the time…

K I am ready but I will only have a lil bit

I will send a link to somewhere you can post codes at (ain’t the wix)

Btw won’t he need multiple clocks in his game?
Will he just have to make multiple texts the same exact way?

This is what I think he will have to copy and paste:

Am I right or am I wrong? @cheesebox! It’s your contraption, can you please clarify?