How do you make a time thingy for like 12-6am?


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ok thank you then. that works. but then what is the wiki? @ThatGim

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No, wiki’s are resources guides or guides that everybody at least Tl2 or Tl1 can edit! and to this message

I will just say this

Just stop being so arrogant and ask for help on the guides and stop creating clutter!!!


If you don’t stop @Shadow.exe I will flag you because it is getting annoying seeing 10 topics about a specific game in one day that has multiple guides and literally an entire tag. Just look up fnaf

Hey! One, that was rude. and two, if he doesn’t want to use a guide, then it probably means he is trying to code on his own, and just needs help with his own code. I mean, look at the work he did just to try to make his map!

Also, he did use a guide, but he wanted a simpler way that doesn’t take up so much memory.
He also trying to make a clock, not a whole fnaf map in this topic, because that’s what this topic is about.


thanks man, that’s nice. :slight_smile: and @ShinyRiolu I DID ask for help, they just ignore me. Try asking when your (semi) new to this and everyone ignores you. >:(
And as you can see, I didnt use your guide:

And you can literally mute me you know.

Your welcome, @Shadow.exe!

For Shadow.exe only

Btw, I am still in that stage where MOST people ignore my posts. That’s why I try to be nice, that way people will pay attention to me. If you ever need help again, just ask me if I’m online! I will help anyone if they just ask me! (Also if I’m capable of doing the task you ask, but in most cases that’s not the case.) I’m sorry for being off-topic, and I will get back on topic.


That makes sense so I can understand, but I can only make myself heard by fighting back. I, however do appreciate the support :smiley: Ask me for anything and I will try to help to the best of my abilities.

:grinning: Thanks! I appreciate the help! I will defininitely use you’re help! Now let’s get back on topic. before we get flagged.

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Ok agreed So do you need any help? And I also need help with the clock, if you could devise an ADHD friendly way of that.

Yeah, I could help with that, I actually posted on here, trying to help. Did you see it? Here, I’ll quote it.

no I didn’t see that, thanks! :smiley: I’ll test it out. I only just noticed that it uses overlays :frowning:

Btw credit to cheesebox for helping me make this, as I can’t take all the credit.

I only just saw that it uses overlays, and I’m still trying to make an overlay menu :confused: yeah credits to cheesebox

Oh shoot, I forgot… I’m so sorry! But there’s only one overlay, so can’t you make it work? It works really well!

Thats what the overlay menu is for, i can press fr’instance, Doors, and it’ll pull up left and right door. Then if I press back, I get all the options again. That’s what i’m trying to figure out with @ThatGim.

Ok, then let’s ask cheese box if it will work in a different block. Hey @cheesebox! Can you help us please? We’re trying to figure out if the block code you gave me could work in a different device that still displays the time. Can you figure it out?

Im crying bro forgot what a clock is :joy:I feel that

I wish I could love this, but I used up all my hearts for the day :rofl:


@cheesebox? are you online? We need help.