How do you make a time thingy for like 12-6am?

nah he hasn’t been on for 11 hours

Ok, then we’ll have to figure it out ourselves… It shouldn’t be to hard!

yeah its fine.


We just need to find something that can substitute for a game overlay. We could use a text because of the new blocks on it!

oh ok!! Thats cool. and would work! :smiley:

Btw make sure to put it, when receiving on channel, and it should work!

:rofl: It’s not that bad! Lol I laughed so hard when you posted it, btw!


:rofl: yeah I was worried. Thats all

It’s fine. I just liked the meme. Drastically dramatic, yet appropriate for the occasion!

this is what I did and It didn’t work (I’m just trying to get somethng that’ll work then I’ll get into the 2 am 3am 4am 5am 6am stuff.




Try following my guide, because it’s supposed to receive on a device that activates the clock. That’s why it didn’t work, because you confused the system by putting, Seconds into game

ohhhhh ok. That’ll work then. :slight_smile: thanks.

He was seen 55 mins ago posted 12 hours ago.

oh It said 11 hours ago :confused:

Time flies lol

:rofl: Get’s me every time! Still appropriate, because it felt like chaos for one second, at least for you.

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Yeah. Still have to wait 40 more min. to like posts again :stuck_out_tongue:

honestly man, my map IS chaos but we’re getting off-topic