How do you make a time thingy for like 12-6am?

Help please?

oh sorry i don’t know how to do that

you’re good :slight_smile:

thanks, sorry i wasted you time

No you’re fine. It’s just a good idea to read the title. I do like to read people ideas though.

this would classify as a animation. So i would follow a guide like this.

You will have to add more triggers and barriers for each minutes/second for the clock.

okay. Would it require counters? just wondering nvm I didn’t realize you could click on the hidden details thing :stuck_out_tongue:

depending if function happen at certain times, or if the game ends when timer ends. Other wise no.

So I will send you a picture of the map (Or at least the spawn) and this is what I need it for.

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yeah so just use barriers or text boxes to make the numbers, then animate it following the guide i gave and you will have to add each second for the amount of time. So like if its 12 minutes you will have to have 720 different animations(barriers) 60 for each minute. Does that make sense?

i think so. i have ADHD so i might need you to clarify sometimes.

Its fine, and sure im here to help.

ok :smiley:

so i’m thinking about making the game (5 x 6 or 7) 30 or 35 minutes. That’s gonna cause some LAG :grimacing:

yeah it may take up 90% of you memory to do so. if it is 30-35 minutes that would take 1,800-2,100 different animations.

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uh oh. So could I have it wait? It just needs to change every five minutes to the next hour of the day.

yeah you can change it for ever five minutes. so it would change 6 to 7 times a match.

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so it would take up less memory?

yes. basically that’s what he’s saying