I need to track the height of players in DLD, can you help me?
doesnt the leaderboard do that
Here ya go
Move this to Help since you are asking for help
In game I mean, like the text that tracks your height.
That’s what that is, it’s an overlay on the screen.
If you want it to be in game text that isn’t overlayed, just swap the game overlay for a text device.
you use a game overlay and a player cord device
Can we see the block code?
Yes, it is just like demonstrated in the topic. I coded it just like @SourApple said.
The overlay should say what you put in. Maybe you got too high for the tracker to know where you were?
Don’t really know.
Oh, sorry. Yes. Here is the code.
is there a matching property device and if so could we see the settings?
could you take screenshots of the actual device setting and wires
which one? there are 4 devices.
the property, player coordinates and overlay
You use a capital “H” in the property name, but not anywhere else. It’s case sensitive. Change the property name to “height” with a lowercase “h”.
Now it doesn’t say “height undefined”, but it doesn’t show the height.
I don’t see any issues? but there has to be 1 if it is not showing the height