How do you make a counter count by 5's or any other number?

how do you make counter count by 5’s or any other number?

you cant… at least not yet. you can use text blocks though

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Hm. Not sure that’s possible. Is it? I don’t know…
Maybe with a wire repeater and counter with a trigger deactivating and activating?

you go into its settings and have its increase by number set to any number greater than one.


i thought it can.


Oh? I didn’t know that…

let me test im pretty sure it does.

increment by 5 i think

no i just checked you cant. maybe you can use blocks but i have to check realt quick

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yeah you can’t maybe if you have it on a loop of five it will. but not standardly.

Use this guide

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Holy-- I totally forgot about that guide.
@getrithekd’s right.

or option 2 you use a trigger and divide the length of the wanted delay number between activations for example
lets say you want it to increase by 5 each 1 second just divide 1 by 5 and you get 0.2 (do not round it unless its long otherwise it would be inaccurate) and after that you would get 5 incrementations on the counter per second which is easier to do and understand then what rithekd said but keep in mind the trigger loop delay cannot go below 0.0015 (yes 0.0015 works I tested it it stays in the trigger settings and does exactly that delay) and to keep it accurate put one of trigger loop triggers delay to 0 and the other with the positive delay number

get 5 wire repeaters, a counter, and something to trigger the wire repeaters (trigger, button, vending machines… etc)

button, wire repeater01: button pressed —> send wire pulse
button, wire repeater02: button pressed —> send wire pulse
button, wire repeater03: button pressed —> send wire pulse
button, wire repeater04: button pressed —> send wire pulse
button, wire repeater05: button pressed —> send wire pulse

wire repeater01, counter: received wire pulse —> increment counter
wire repeater02, counter: received wire pulse —> increment counter
wire repeater03, counter: received wire pulse —> increment counter
wire repeater04, counter: received wire pulse —> increment counter
wire repeater05, counter: received wire pulse —> increment counter


to trigger it up by 5, if its a button, make the button wired to 5 triggers which all when triggered increment it up by 1. hope it helps


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