How do you make a bounty system?

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Umm… It tells me to use blocks in the repeater but that’s Gimpossible.

Just connect a repeater to an item granter or notification or something and work fom there

Arent you able to use waypoints? (all on a different channel)

That’s really helpful…

Waypoints wouldn’t really do anything in this context right?

Player knockouts someone else-update property using counter—then target is 3 and if target is reached activate bounty…(also you will need as many properties+counters for the max players going to be in game)

Get a repeater
Get an item granter
Open blocks on the item granter and make the block thing in the guide
Then get a wire and connect the repeater to the item granter
It should be “repeater runs task → run wire pulse” or whatever it is exactly
that should work

Which one?
Screenshot 2023-12-04 6.47.41 PM

On wire pulse

I think this relates to the knockout manager device…
Oh, and welcome to the forum, Johan!

Welcome to the forum!

Player knockouts someone else-update property using counter—then target is 3 and if target is reached activate bounty…(also you will need as many properties+counters for the max players going to be in game) with knockout manager to start it did not seem to help so that is not solution…welcome to forum @JohanGim

why are you welcoming urself?

Lol good question!

Me? Well people usually do that, so I want to have myself welcome me! Haha…


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Wait a second, why am I using a randomizer again? I thought I wanted it to be when you kill 3 people, it shows on everyone’s scree to kill you for a reward.

In one of your posts, you said something about randomizer blockcode

Welcome to the forum!

To do that, all you have to do is
get a knockout manager and track player kills. Have it transmit on channel “Increment” or whatever when target knocked out.
Then get a counter, and set it to increment when receiving on “Increment” or whatever the channel is named. Also set the target number to 3, and wire it to a game overlay “Target number achieved → activate overlay” or something like that

hold on i’m going to do a bit of research and finish in just a second

overlay stuff (probably done)

Okay so if you want the game overlay to show the player’s name, just
wire a counter to a trigger with “target value achieved → trigger trigger”
Open blocks and do this
How do i get a player name - #6 by NavyCatZ
By the way you need to create the “(insert property here)” property device.
And now for the actual overlay: follow this guide
How to make a Kill / Death counter (Difficulty: 🟨)
BUT you only have to do it with one property, which is the “insert property here” I mentioned a few lines above.
Also for the blocks, you only need this V

but instead of the swords just put something like “Bounty on:”
and for the Get Property thing put the “insert property here” property i mentioned before.

ok and now for the actual bounty
I’m actually kind of stumped I don’t know how to track a specific player’s death