How do you disable buttons and props?

I’m trying to make a hunger games based game (wish me luck lol) and I’m making a crate system that when you open a crate/push a button labeled “open crate”, it gives you a random item. Is their any way to disable the button and have the crate disappear after it is opened?

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when the button is pressed, make a channel named “yay item”.
make it so when a signal is sent on a channel, the button is disabled and the crate disappears.

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But my question is how do you make it so that the button is disabled and the crate disappears? I’m thinking of barriers and teleporting out of them once the button is pressed but that just causes clutter in the system I feel like.

I also want the crates to have the motion of being “refilled” after a certain amount of time.

i just gave you a solution for that…
i dont know for the refilling thing.

But there is no setting as far as I know that can make you know what do you know what (sorry I don’t want to type a lot more stuff)

look for the options. you’ll soon find them.

To ‘refill’ the crates, wire it to a wire repeater so that:
When prop is deactivated → Pulse the wire repeater

Then, edit the settings of the wire repeater to have a delay, which will be the amount of time it takes to refill the crate.
Lastly, wire the wire repeater back to the crate so that:
When the wire repeater pulses → activate prop

Txme’s way to a randomized chest system!


nice guide. seen it before but doesn’t show how to disable it

I can make some detailed instructions…
Gimme a sec…

Is your game platformer or top-down, @GKCCreator49??
(I’ll just make it compatible for both…)

You can make it so when the button is clicked it wires to your prop and it makes it disappear. Then wire the prop so when it is made hidden it deactivates your button.

easiest way and that’s how I did it

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How to do this:

Step 1

Place whatever prop you want them to come to to collect their random gadget.

Step 2

Place a button and set it to this in all options:


Step 3

Go back to the prop, and set it to these settings:


Step 4

Place an item granter and set it to these settings:

This can be anything you want:
Now copy that item granter 39 times, or however many gadgets you want to be a choice when it is selected. Make sure to follow the same format.
I did all 40 gadgets for my example.

Step 5

Place one trigger. Set it to these base settings:

On this same trigger, go to blocks and set it up like this:

Step 6

Depending on how many item granters you placed in step 4, is how many more triggers you’ll need…
1-10 item granters = 1 trigger
11-20 item granters = 2 triggers
21-30 item granters = 3 triggers
31-40 item granters = 4 triggers
Set one of them to this format:

Keep this process for all of your triggers, but make sure there is only one channel for each separate number.
The first ten items should be on a trigger that is triggered when receiving on channel “Collect RNG Reward 1,” the second one, "Collect RNG Reward 2, " and the same for the last two, or however many you have…

Step 7

It should work!
Screen recording 2024-09-27 8.45.29 AM

Tell me if you need anything else!

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sorry couldn’t really tell in the video but does that disable the button?

Yes, it does.
It disables the button and the prop…

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Ok thanks so much for the help!

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