How do i make it so when you close a dialouge you resspawn and then ur teleported to another place

i am so confused man

So for that system, the purpose of the trigger is to stop the lifecycle from making you teleport before encountering the popup. After you encounter the popup, the trigger is supposed to activate, causing the lifecycle to make you teleport after you are knocked out.


I’ll provide pictures.


When doing this, you now have the trigger activate first instead of second when the lifecycle is activated. That way, the game will then try to teleport the player second. Since the trigger was activated first, it’ll work no problem! @NavyCatZ link the AUO post

Overall setup-



Lifecycle to trigger-

Trigger to teleporter-

Popup to trigger-


Tl;Dr: The wires will run in the order in which they were created. That means they can possibly override each other in certain situations.


ClicClac, I forgot about the delay. The trigger also needs to have a 1 second delay [1] for the mechanism to properly work.

  1. Around that speed. ↩︎

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so do i do it in the order u told me?

Most likely.


k i will try it hopefully it works

im so confused can u hop on the wix i’ll give u the code and u cand do it cuz im borderline confused

Imma start running

yo @NavyCatZ can u hop on the wix

Which part are you confused about? Wire the popup to the trigger, so when it’s closed, activate the trigger. THEN wire the lifecycle to the trigger, so when the player respawns, trigger the trigger. Give the trigger a delay of around one second and deactivate it on game start. FINALLY, wire the trigger to the teleporter, so when the trigger is triggered, it teleports to the teleporter!

i DID that but im js so confused so can u please

Did you do it in that order? It should work.

yes but its still not working

Can I see your wires then? You might have messed up the execution.

yeah sure hold on a bit

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Sorry, I’m also multitasking by drawing rn, and I don’t really have the time for that.