How do i make it so when you close a dialouge you resspawn and then ur teleported to another place

The respawn device makes you respawn right then and there. After you close the popup, it will immediately cause you to respawn. If I’m reading your message correctly, you want the player to teleport there after they get knocked out/respawned by something else, correct?


Maybe HP regen?

yes exactly thats what i made this topic for

Use a checkpoint instead of a respawn for this job.

how do i do a checkpoint tho

Use the checkpoint device!

okie but like im still confused cuz how would that work, like where would i put it

Or, you could place a lifecycle set to “player knocked out,” then connect it to a trigger. Set the trigger to be inactive. Connect the trigger to the teleporter (triggered-> teleport here.) Connect the popup to the trigger (popup closed → activate).

You’ll probably want to make the trigger invisible ingame and set “trigger by player collision” to “no.”

Would you like a more in-depth explanation on this or the checkpoint method?


You would put the checkpoint where you want to respawn after your next death. You would wire it like so: popup closed → set checkpoint as respawn area. [1]

  1. Look for something LIKE that in the wiring options, I forgot the exact options for a checkpoint. ↩︎

hold on lemme try these

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Tell me if anything doesn’t work. My explanation is pretty rusty.


Nono, it’s pretty good! ClicClac couldn’t have done it better himself! Wait… You ARE ClicClac…

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so yeah it didnt work can i get a more in depth desc.

Did you wire the lifecycle to the trigger or teleporter first?

i was supposes to wirde it to the teleporter?

Delete the wire from the lifecycle to the teleporter, then add it again. Trust me, this is important. Try it again afterwards.

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i am so confused man

So for that system, the purpose of the trigger is to stop the lifecycle from making you teleport before encountering the popup. After you encounter the popup, the trigger is supposed to activate, causing the lifecycle to make you teleport after you are knocked out.


I’ll provide pictures.


When doing this, you now have the trigger activate first instead of second when the lifecycle is activated. That way, the game will then try to teleport the player second. Since the trigger was activated first, it’ll work no problem! @NavyCatZ link the AUO post