cuz i’ve seen people do that in gkc
Please make the title a short description of your question and put your question in your post.
When you press the button (this could be in a myriad of devices), activate a checkpoint.
You made me think you were navy…
popup (closed) -> teleporter (teleport here)
Popup (closed) -> respawn (respawn player)
i dont know how to javascript or whatever that is
This isn’t javascript. This is Gimkit devices.
The arrows “->” indicate wires in gimkit creative
well can u like give me a description or something cuz thats confusing
That WOULD move them by respawning them, yes. However, this won’t move them to a NEW location, just their last respawn point.
Navy is posting?!?!?!?!
No, that’s ClicClac. What do you mean? I already posted.
When you wire a device, you see a menu interface that looks like this, right?
So wire a popup to a teleporter, click on the option on the left that says “popup closed”, then press the option on the right that says teleport here.
(Yeah what Navy said)
u see i tried that but its not working
Can you send a screenshot of your wire setting?
here it is im so confused
The respawn overrides the teleport. What is the respawn thing for?
for like when u respawn ur at another area