How did Forbidden Islands Season 3 do a certain mechanic?

So, I was looking on Gimkit Discovery, and I found this game called Forbidden Islands Season 3. I thought it sounded cool so I started playing it. I LOVED IT! (And I want everybody to go and play it rn lol) but what REALLY caught my eye was the fact that is kept talking about a save code. Then, I fail miserably at the game and there it is! An automatically generated save code at the end of the game! So, I try it out: I load back in, enter my 5-digit save code, and see if my XP and season level are saved. And GUESS WHAT!? IT WORKS! I don’t know how, but it was able to save data EVEN AFTER THE GAME HAD ALREADY ENDED! Idk how they did it, but the devs of that game just made the #GIMPOSSIBLE into #POSSIBLE! Does anybody have ANY clue on how they did it? If so, PLEASE tell me. Because I wanna try to replicate that, if it’s possible




Ah, my friend, but tis not the case. I tried doing that guide, and it was so dang confusing that it ended up turning into a 70-response HELP argument thread. And even the guy who made the guide, @shdwy, came out and basically said, “I don’t even understand most of my guide. It’s just sort of confusing.” He’s going to revamp it to be more user-friendly last time I heard, but idk. So I doubt that they used that guide

I couldn’t tell you then… sorery D:

Actually, you know what would be funny? If Shdwy was the one to make that game! LOL

No, Wumpus did
99% sure

Well, @Wumpus could you PLEASE help us?

Their last post was march.

Wumpus is more active in Discord than in Forums

Well, DANGIT. Now I’m screwed cuz I can’t do discord

I do have a discord account

Can you ask @Wumpus to respond? I need to know his secret

I can’t right now

kk, let me know when you’re able to

um, I think @Shdwy 's guide is pretty good at explaining how passcode works, which part(s) do you have problems at?

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The absence on how to make the Multi-Digit Counter. Why, have you succeeded in the guide? If so, how did you do it?!?

Use properties to store data then concatenate the properties into one big one at the end of the game.

Yeah but how would you be able to save the data even after the game has ended? That just seems impossible

Its been a while since I made the original system, but here is a basic rundown on how the save codes work.

First of all, the game doesn’t actually remember what items and stats you have unlocked, it instead gets the data from the save code, and gives the progression stuff accordingly. It does this by getting your current status for things like XP, Trophies, ect and then putting each of the stat numbers into a end game widget. Then it has you put each number back into a counter, and has each counter connected to a stat (like XP, Trophies, ect).

In Depth Explanation
Lets say you have three trophies in a “Trophy#” property. Once the game ends, the program then has another property (We can call it “Code”) which puts the current value of “Trophy#” along with any other properties you have. Then the end game widget displays that new property for your new save code.

To collect the data after starting a new game, the game has you put each number of your save code into a counter (one counter per stat), the counter adds its data to the property called “Trophy#” to add back your original number of trophies earned.


So, that does make a lot on sense. But I do have a question: How do you turn them into single digits? Like, when you add the XP and the character upgrades to the single property, they would all form 1 or 2 digits, but the save code is 5 digits. How do you do that?