January 4, 2024, 5:41am
Combine this
Ok, you have heard how to make a barrier that only blocks bullets.
But what about one that only blocks players?
This, my friend, is very similar. Follow that guide, but set the barrier to be not active on game start, and instead of deactivating it on the relay, activate it! So, basically, change the name of the channel deactivatebarrier to activate barrier, and put it in the activate barrier when receiving on setting in the barrier. Now you have a beautiful barrier that only blocks players!
and this
This might seem a bit complicated, but this does get you pass the wall limit in creative.
You will need:
Barriers(devices) 4x or any number of barriers you need
All you need to do is have your little room with any floor, and you can use floor to make a wall. Outline the inside of the room. Now, set the Barriers’ settings to Visible in Game as NO. Cover the ‘wall’ with the barriers so that you can not exit the room even though your supposed ‘wall’ is not even a wall. There! You can by…
As for the second guide, it’s not technically bypassing the wall limit, (2500 if you didn’t know) it’s just a barrier over terrain to give an illusion that it’s a wall you can shoot through.
Make sure it’s invisible in-game to make it more visually appealing.