Help with teams and endings

This should mostly be self explanatory! Your team number for the only team that should be damaged, and a message that will give HP the same amount of damage the laser did, make sure to do health then shield to make it better!

It doesn’t work. The laser just instant knocks out the person

it doesn’t heal them at all even though I used the health granter and the block code

then change the laser to do 1 damage, and if the players team is the one that should only take damage, respawn them.

But I don’t want the team that is supposed to take damage to respawn. They’re just supposed to take some damage

That’s weird thing, it shouldn’t be instant knocking them out.

Plus, it should work. You sure you did it correct?

Cause if the player is on a team that’s not on the team thats suppose to take damage, and gets hit by the laser, then they should get healed.

I don’t really understand this…

so I wire a trigger to the laser then do the blockcode to transmit on the channel to heal right?

sorry I meant player scoPe

oh ok I’ll try this now

the strangest thing about this is that when I tried this for a different device, it worked, but it doesn’t for the laser

Hm… that’s weird. Try Kosm0-o’s way.

Then do I delete the lifecycle and wire this in or something?

@Kosm0-o So do I replace the lifecycle with this?

wut. where did you get lifecycle from?

didn’t you tell me to use How to make a LIVE player counter 🟨

Or am i just having memory loss

but you said that didn’t work so I gave you an alternate solve. that’s why I made this post:

oh ok i understand now

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but how would it work wouldn’t it just only trigger once for the player who destroyed the prop?