Help with teams and endings


what…? I said to wire the prop to the trigger so that when the prop is destroyed the trigger activates not triggers.

oh ok but wouldn’t you still need a counter or something after the relay?

Oops. another dum mistake I made. yeah put a counter that goes up when trigger is triggered. make it a target value of 2. when it reaches the target value end game

I didn’t have time to make it so sorry for the late response. It doesn’t work.

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Why is the target value 2? I’m so confused. So I did the trigger thing and then wired the bed to it. then wired it to the relay and to the counter. and the counter having a target value of 2. and then when it reaches target value it ends the game. It’s probably my fault, so can you tell me what I did wrong?

The target value is 2 as an example. The target value is based on how many people are in the team, if there is a specific amount. I totally forgot about this post lol so I’ll remake and reformat the system so I can type it again. thx :smiley:

ok so should I just wait

yep. I’ll get back by tomorrow at latest thx!

x1 lifecycle (player knocked out)
x1 Triggers (visible: no, collision: no, active on game start: no, active scope: team)
x1 team switcher(spectators)
x2 Wire repeaters(allowed team: team 1/2, delay: 0)
x2 counters(target value: 2, visible; no)
x1 end game device

Wire the bed to the trigger [prop destroyed → activate trigger]. wire the lifecycle to the trigger [event occurs → trigger trigger]. wire the trigger to a team switcher [trigger triggered → switch player to configured team]. wire the trigger to both wire repeaters with the same wire [trigger triggered → repeat wire pulse]. wire the team 1 wire repeater to counter(a) [wire pulse repeated → increment counter]. wire the team 2 wire repeater to counter(b) [wire pulse repeated → increment counter]. wire both counters to the end game device [counter reached target value → end game]. that should work…

This isn’t gonna sound pretty.
have them spawn in room1, teleporter1a in room leading to teleporter1b in room2. room2 has teleporter2a in it on the opposite side of the room. place teleporter2b in the actual map part where players “spawn”. place a checkpoint on the teleporter1b. imbetween the checkpoint and teleporter2a should be a barrier, and when prop destroyed, activate barrier, so that if you get knocked out after prop destroyed, you get trapped in room2. make sure the teleporters are only 1 way. do this to both team’s spawn. for funsies, you could add a de@th button in room2, so that if ur trapped in room2, you can use the team switcher device, and switch them to spectators, so they won’t be bored. mark as solution if this works. if you have any questions, feel free to tell me.

I would recommend, uh, reorganizing that lol. what exactly does that do. It’s so confusing…

that gives players only 1 life i think. if you want players to have infinite lives until a prop is destroyed, then they will only have the life they had in their hands (1 life), then check out my way ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

hehe. i tried. at least i labeled rooms and teleporters, so you would know which one I was talking bout. that’s why I said:

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This might help:
(you can probably make it prettier than me :slight_smile: )
self explanatory?

doesn’t seem very efficient ngl… sorry

thats the only way tho

did you check my way?

yes. ur way causes players to only have 1 life no matter what