Help with teams and endings

the strangest thing about this is that when I tried this for a different device, it worked, but it doesn’t for the laser

Hm… that’s weird. Try Kosm0-o’s way.

Then do I delete the lifecycle and wire this in or something?

@Kosm0-o So do I replace the lifecycle with this?

wut. where did you get lifecycle from?

didn’t you tell me to use How to make a LIVE player counter 🟨

Or am i just having memory loss

but you said that didn’t work so I gave you an alternate solve. that’s why I made this post:

oh ok i understand now

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but how would it work wouldn’t it just only trigger once for the player who destroyed the prop?


what…? I said to wire the prop to the trigger so that when the prop is destroyed the trigger activates not triggers.

oh ok but wouldn’t you still need a counter or something after the relay?

Oops. another dum mistake I made. yeah put a counter that goes up when trigger is triggered. make it a target value of 2. when it reaches the target value end game

I didn’t have time to make it so sorry for the late response. It doesn’t work.

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Why is the target value 2? I’m so confused. So I did the trigger thing and then wired the bed to it. then wired it to the relay and to the counter. and the counter having a target value of 2. and then when it reaches target value it ends the game. It’s probably my fault, so can you tell me what I did wrong?

The target value is 2 as an example. The target value is based on how many people are in the team, if there is a specific amount. I totally forgot about this post lol so I’ll remake and reformat the system so I can type it again. thx :smiley:

ok so should I just wait

yep. I’ll get back by tomorrow at latest thx!

x1 lifecycle (player knocked out)
x1 Triggers (visible: no, collision: no, active on game start: no, active scope: team)
x1 team switcher(spectators)
x2 Wire repeaters(allowed team: team 1/2, delay: 0)
x2 counters(target value: 2, visible; no)
x1 end game device

Wire the bed to the trigger [prop destroyed → activate trigger]. wire the lifecycle to the trigger [event occurs → trigger trigger]. wire the trigger to a team switcher [trigger triggered → switch player to configured team]. wire the trigger to both wire repeaters with the same wire [trigger triggered → repeat wire pulse]. wire the team 1 wire repeater to counter(a) [wire pulse repeated → increment counter]. wire the team 2 wire repeater to counter(b) [wire pulse repeated → increment counter]. wire both counters to the end game device [counter reached target value → end game]. that should work…