Help with scp ikea map


Then take a counter. Make it so every day you survive it adds 1 to the counter. Link that to a property, then that property to a game overlay. So the property, lets call it day, will be 1. So the game overlay shows 1. Then so on.

If you need a step by step guide I could help you with that.

Adding on to this,

You could make a 24 min timer, 12 minutes for the day, and 12 minutes for the night, and when the night ends, it can increase the “Day” property by 1.

Adding on to this,
You could also make a game overlay of time, because you have minutes (seconds into game block), and you could convert those into hours & minutes.

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This is off topic but do you guys like my new pfp? It’s the first one I made myself so it’s kinda bad