Help with scp ikea map

Yeah I just look up the plots on the wiki and then add them in I also added a day night cycle and the scp’s

There is currently 6 plots
Or more

Maybe you can make it where you can grab stuff and put it in a certain area. Would take quite a bit of properties though.

Yeah I was thinking about that but like you said
A lot of properties

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Plus the whole map is gonna be taken up since the actual game is infinite and I barely have patients to make the map alone lol

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Sorry this is off topic but if anybody is wondering what my gimkit username is it’s GimTaco

The roblox game ain’t infinite, it got a wall after a bit. (Yeah, I play Roblox. COUGH COUGH MY PFP)

But yeah, add a food system. Like the thirst, energy, and food. Might have to use game overlays to show more game overlays though. (suggestion!)

Oooh I will add that- I was gonna add mechanics after the map but I can’t resist adding things

The map is one of the biggest in Roblox

I’ve seen bigger for me, but yeah. It’s quite huge. Maybe a few minutes of walking. But here’s a few games I can say that’s bigger.

Maybe those extreme hide and seek Roblox games
those Roblox Minecraft games lol
probably way more I can’t name off the top of my head.

…okay fair point lol

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Do you have an idea on how to add the floating house plot

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teleport some guy far away when reaching a certain point using a zone… make it look like its in the middle of sky… or just have a pure white barrier behind everything to signify nothingness… add that chocolate and those tiny house plot.

Okay that’s smart but like I said I’m using the entire map soooo

What plots should I definitely add though

What you mean? gimkit creative has like a infinite map. at 3x speed you wont even find the end for a long time I think. There’s BOUND to have a limit due to its memory. So you’ll be able to do it.

Naw they’re not infinite but it’s fine I’ll figure it out. Do you know any good guides on starvation systems?

food mall… ice cream and Doctor pepper place… pallet place. those giant shelf ones… and yeah, this hunger guide is good Here, its by blizzys.

Thanks for the help imma hop off the forums for now

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Oh shoot I marked a solution

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