Help with making a computer in gimkit that runs linux

They would probably run out of memory, keyboard takes up alot

thats why its going to be a Theoretical possibility
Since computers we use today took many many years to make a functional one
but we could come close in Gimkits abilities

now to mark solution
But anythings possible I guess

if you want to make gimkit in gimkit, you could either make:

  • a massive text renderer that idk how to make
  • just use the current gkc layout

and then recreate everything in your gimkit game

idk really i’m just going to go back to working on assignments now

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I call dibs on making the audio part

you get CPU :skull:


The audio part would be the selected song you have.


That was Wingwave. Here’s a guide that has a CPU, but sadly it hasn’t been updated in forever and needs a lot of work:

Make sure to read the comments to understand. Using the basics laid out here you could create a functional computer, and possibly make it look like someone’s playing gimkit.


Wait…you want to make a computer in gimkit that players play gimkit on? What would be the purpose of that?

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What would you want the computer to look like? Also, how do you want the controls to be set up?

Would you want the players to see the computer itself, or be transported into the screen?


well I would want a Linux environment so I would need a keyboard so I would want them to see the computer

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I would want it to look like a screen then keyboard

just for funsies you know

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thats what i talking about

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What do you mean by ‘then’?

oh sorry for the controls i would use a keyboard in the map

sorry for late reply

So, like, the standard qwerty layout with everything, or just stuff needed for gimkit?

ok then just linux. I I make Linux computer

yeh qwerty layout yeh

You said you need help with making it, which part do you need help with?

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ok thank you so much bruv.

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