Maybe popups with call to actions with the person’s name. Takes a lot of popups and workaround with scope though
I’ll probably make this my next guide
I was going to when I figured it out, but i think I have a method of a way I could do it now. I just need a way for a popup to popup for THAT specific player. I also need a way to set the popup content to each player’s name
You could use the block “triggering player’s name”.
get un-impossibled
*may not be possisble
Key words…
I think the black object need to be summoned
Can I make a guide for this in the next few days?
Absolutely can you make it a system for freezing a certain player using popups or something, and make it easy to use
Ok thanks.
Let me know when you finish it and please post it in this topic
What do you need?
When are the players being punished? Do you have a way to detect that?
But you can use a teleporter and teleport the player there.
What im trying to do is freeze a player when I trigger it in a popup or something. I want something streamline, and only freezes the one person