Help with Host Punishment Options

Maybe popups with call to actions with the person’s name. Takes a lot of popups and workaround with scope though

I’ll probably make this my next guide

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I was going to when I figured it out, but i think I have a method of a way I could do it now. I just need a way for a popup to popup for THAT specific player. I also need a way to set the popup content to each player’s name

You could use the block “triggering player’s name”.


get un-impossibled

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*may not be possisble
Key words…

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I think the black object need to be summoned

@Blackhole927 we need you’re black hole powers

Can I make a guide for this in the next few days?

Absolutely can you make it a system for freezing a certain player using popups or something, and make it easy to use

Ok thanks.

Make sure to credit @Brayden_Shelton in your guide!

Let me know when you finish it and please post it in this topic :slight_smile:


This is actually an alt account pleas credit my main @Brayden-Shelton

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What do you need?

@Blackhole927 I need help with this

When are the players being punished? Do you have a way to detect that?

But you can use a teleporter and teleport the player there.

What im trying to do is freeze a player when I trigger it in a popup or something. I want something streamline, and only freezes the one person