Help me make an Train game but different DAY: 2

Assuming you are going to split up the map into smaller rooms or sections(if you aren’t planning on doing that, I highly recommend it so this process doesn’t have to be as tedious), place a zone in each section. Connect the zone to a sentry to activate it. Place the sentry inside the room. Connect the zone to a wire repeater (player leaves->) then the wire repeater to the sentry to deactivate it. We need a wire repeater in between the two since you can’t connect something to the same device twice.

Do this for every section of the map. If you will not divide your map into sections, place zones everywhere like a coordinate grid. Before doing either of these things, read the whole post. You will see why later.

From then on, we run into two issues. This isn’t a problem if the game is only intended for one player The sentry needs to know what player to track if you don’t want it appearing in more than one location. Tell me if this is an issue for your game.

The more concerning issue is the fact that the sentry’s health will not transfer in between sentries since they are all separate devices. You can easily ignore this if your game does not involve damaging the monster. Otherwise, place a prop with damage turned on to act as an “energy source” that will serve as the sentry’s health. Connect the prop to a trigger (prop destroyed->). Set the trigger’s collision and visibility setting to “no.” Set the trigger to transmit on channel when triggered. Set the zone to deactivate when receiving on that channel. The last time I checked props don’t have a channel setting for this(thus the extra steps), correct me if I’m wrong. Then you can copy and paste the zones.

If you don’t know what channels are, look here