HELP! I need help please!

Does anyone know how to make a bathroom out of props?

Look up a guide?


ummmmmm… no comment…


This has to be the fastest solved thing there is.


ngl. lol fr. srry for clogging.

Anyways, I would suggest looking up those ‘how to make a house’. Since people make rooms, you’ll probably get ideas on bathrooms.

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lol, here, I found a guide:

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From @Toothless’s Guide.

that’s emojis, they want props

sadly no



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Yes I just saw that, my bad I was trying to find something quickly bc I need to go soon

@Hot-Doug, do u have the guide to pull up? That would be very helpful.

For a “HELP! I need help please!” topic, this was an awfully fast solution lol.
I guess you really needed to have that bathroom in your map…?


Found one with props:
Functional working house/mansion including the interior! Part 2 and 3 Revised - Art - Gimkit Creative

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Let me introduce you to my good friend… Google Lens… and the forums search bar!

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look at the guide up above.

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lol the gimguy really needs to go to the bathroom

i need it to be a little bit smaller.

Then make the barriers smaller :person_facepalming:

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agreed, alright I hope you find a solution!! Byee! Have a good thanksgiving yall

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nvrm guys, my expert prop artist joined my game.