Help I need game ideas

Hi, I’m pretty new and not really experienced with creative. Do y’all have a easy to make game that I could play with my freinds

I suggest making a battle-royale, they’re simple to make and fun to play with friends.
To make one follow guides under the battle-royale tag
Here’s a guide under the tag that I find pretty useful:

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Thx but I’m confused

What are you confused about?

Idk what half of that stuff means but one of my freinds sed I should make a dodgeball game so I think I’m gonna do that

Is there a item that can stop a gim from walking past it but they can still sho0t through

I dont think you can do that but i’ll do some experiments

yeah, i tried but nothing worked, sorry you might need to try something else for your game.

You could use a zone so that when the player leaves they get teleported back in. It wouldnt be to efficient but it works.

I try a laser that when they walk into it they dye

Is it possible to make it so when the game starts the players get a weapon

Yea. There should be a “Starting Inventory” Device in devices. you can choose items from the dropdown menu on that device.

There are approximately 70 million Community Made Guides on this.

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I’m trying to make a origanal one

How do I make it so that the game only ends once the team of sentry’s or the team of humans are all knocked out

But over all thanks y’all for ur help​:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

If your new(ish) to Gimkit creative, I found some guilds you can use.

You can also go to the gimkit-beginners tag.