Help for my battle royal game

I am making a battle royal game in gimkit. I am almost done with all of the mechanics but I need help naming POI’s and designing them. Give me a good POI name and some architecture ideas for it. And i will add your name in your POI for credits!

If your lazy

Give me Fortnite like map name for very gud credits in game, and give house styles. Thbank you.

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check out battle-royale

  • Luxurious Lake

Frozen pond with a tree in the middle surrounded by crates

  • Wild West

Lots of crates and very good loot but very risky due to sentries and landmines.

Also, a reminder:

Don’t take ideas fully out of fortnite, it is copyrighted material.
You can do your own spin-offs of fortnite locations.

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Those are some good POI names, thank you! And yes i understand i can’t take Fortnite names so I’m going to be making mine different.

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Yes, if you do take some ideas from fortnite, you must credit them in you games description.


Ohh ok that makes sense.

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Cautious Circle: a round-about that has a bunch of open space


Haiasi’s 500th solution!

that’s just crazy


It is insane, but well deserved.

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