How to make roofing hide when you get close to it! (Simular to Zombs Royale)

How to make roofing hide when you get close to it! (Simular to Zombs Royale)

  1. Make your room
  2. Add a sign and size it up to cover the entire room
  3. Add a Zone device and wire it to the sign
  4. Set the wire to When Player Enters Zone > Hide Prop
  5. Get a Wire Repeater and wire it to the Zone Device
  6. Set the Wire to When Player Leaves Zone > Repeat Wire Pulse
  7. Wire the Repeater to the sign and Set the wire to When the Wire recieves a pulse… > Show Prop
  8. Test it out! When you get close or enter the area of the prop, the Sign should hide, when you leave, The prop shows again!