Hello every body

I asked for help on making a mystery weapon box that is randomized. i will be posting update information here. if you have any suggestions for my map, just tell me

Iā€™m sorry, but if Iā€™m not mistaken, you canā€™t use the forum as an update log? (you can get help with the randomizer stuff, though)


please tell me this is what you wanted


I am pretty sure this is not allowed?

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Make a button and make it keep on granting different itemsā€¦

ay lil bro im pretty sure alts arenā€™t allowed either /nm

ok im sorry for being off topic

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Because it is an update log?

I know, but the mods are fine, I am pretty sure? They know I have an alt

Now back on topic

This is not allowed, but not forbidden. I wouldnā€™t make a update log on here because the rules say no offtopic posting, in which this is sort of off-topic. But if its a update log on a Gimkit Creative help post discovering things or making things, then it may be allowed. The rules donā€™t specify on that.


Alts are not allowed, especially when your main is banned. That is ban evading, which is bad.

ā€˜Falseā€™ implies that I know what I am saying is wrong. If the mods know, then why donā€™t they unban his main and ban his alt?

I served my time. I had to deal with being banned, and I didnā€™t create an alt even though I didnā€™t agree with the modsā€™ decision.

Also, even if I am wrong, I didnā€™t willingly post something wrong, which is lying.


He has his reasons. His other account wonā€™t work and he has talked to the mods and has been allowed to keep the alt. And his account is banned for a weird reason, one that he messed with and it happend, he did nothing wrong. So please donā€™t post something false unless you know for sure that is not ok.


Becasue they canā€™t, and like how you were banned but unbanned, and couldnā€™t access this site, that is like him, so you should know that better than enyone. And in which

you are wrong.

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Ah, I see. I do recommend removing the ā€œAltā€ part of the name to prevent future confrontation?

Though I do understand if they donā€™t, as they might not get recognized.


Yeah, sadly only a mod can change the account name so that would have to be requested. And I do agree that "Alt"should be removed.

ok guys lets get back on topic now


@vqnillaxx that acutally works for the randomizer box?

Got it. i will make sure no to do that. after all this is only my 5th day on this website

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Didnā€™t work when I did it so i found out how to make a non-code randomizer

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Scratch this just enter my google chat if you want to know about updates.
(donā€™t really know if doing this is allowed, Iā€™m just trying to make friends. so far in total Iā€™ve got 3.)