Gimkit's Quantum Mechanics: Help Needed

It’s probably just moving around in the hit ox. You have to move out and back in for it to work.

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No, but with a loop of lasers to teleporters next to each other (not touching), it stops. Teleporters also stop you when you teleport with your hitbox touching a wall.

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Ok, it’s official. Counter recursion is the cheapest method of recursion currently.
Our current methods of recursion include: trig, counter, block (?)

Any other ideas for recursion?

@getrithekd what the heck is mouse recursion

Mouse recursion.

To prevent cases that seem like u weren’t hit by lasers but were, lasers hav like a 0.5 delay before players touching them count as hit by the laser.

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Pretty Interesting :+1:

Oh, yeah, I remember Josh saying he added that.
Is there a cooldown on use though, aside from that?

No, but if you activate and deactivate it fast enough, it won’t do damage as it hasn’t reached the time to count yet.


On Resolution:

Most people are aware of what Advanced Update Order is. It’s the most well-known quantum mechanic, very important, and provides a basis for most of the others. A lot of people made subcategories of AUO, like AWO (advanced wire order), despite it being equivalent.

But I propose a new term. A better term. It envelops more of the technical side of things, while keeping the same concept.


The game needs to resolve devices. When a signal is sent, if multiple devices receive on that same signal, they must be resolved, and the game needs to decide what order to do it in. When I asked Josh, he confirmed the popular hypothesis that the devices were appended (added to the end of) to a list, and the game resolved the list starting from the beginning and going backwards. However, other things must be resolved too. For example, in a counter, there are 4 channel settings. if all of them run on the same channel, which one goes first? Well, it actually goes in the order that the channels are listed in the device. I’m not sure if this is true for all devices or just the counter, but it’s useful to know when attempting to do things like update a property. The reason resolution is used here instead of AUO is because it’s not about updating. The update order is the order those devices had been updated, which dictates resolution, but not all resolution is dictated by updates.

Now, this is useful for the reasons aforementioned, but also because I just found out how ticks work.

Turns out, channel ticks and wire ticks are different things to be resolved. We find this using the absolute godsend that is duplicate recursion. In a single tick, a total of 350 wire pulses can be sent out. While the recursion limit is 300-301 (depends on how you start the system), a onelooped system such as a trigger – if branched out on two different wires – will send a recursive strength of 175 to each. However, if the oneloop is branched only on one wire, then it sends a recursive strength of 300.

RECURSIVE STRENGTH is the number of signals a system sends in a single pulse. A single normal (traditional one pulse per channel) system has a strength of 300, but as I said, a system with 2 different wire outputs has a strength of 175 each, half of 350.

This is super weird, but as I do more research, I’m beginning to understand what’s going on. This is wonderful.

@getrithekd (pinging fellow technical gimkitter to see your thoughts on this)


I must say, you write some of the longest post and yet some how make sense on things i don’t understand. I don’t know how you do it, but good job.


Better name, and I like this!


Seems interesting. So there is a different list for wires and channels? Or are they merged? If so, does it go by order of creation, channels first, or wires first?


Channels will always resolve before wires.

(yet more proof that channels are better)


but to be fair, wires are capable of easy partial recursion, at least in segments of 350/k where k is any integer >= 1


They can disable a wire?

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Idk, I never have tried it, i always use cahnnels they are eaiser to use and neater.

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I found a lag machine that’s capable of keeping wires from running for a bit.

if you want a deeper explanation...

i forgot basic mechanics of counters so i made a system so that a counter reset on target value.
it would – when hitting target – send a wire signal to a second counter to a) increment and b) decrement (resolution was accounted for)
that second counter’s target was 1, and it started at 0. when it hit target it was wired back to the first and would reset it.

then, when i ran a 60 trigger duplicate recursive system while it was at the pulse of 2 and its target was 3, it would go PAST 3, and the only way that could’ve happened was if the counter moved faster than the wires could update. I managed to cut a wire.


Sorry, but can you explain what counter recursion is?

Something increases a counter with target 1, default 0. When it reaches the target, it resets and increments itself.


This still stands. We need you guys!

yes this is a bump


Alright, after some testing, I have found some things.

Adjacent recursion is where you have two identical triggers running on a T-clock. It’s weird.
It seems like triggers have a cap of 300 concurrent tasks at once. That means they can run 300 loops at once, or at least send 300 signals at once even if >300 loops are running. I wonder if we can crash the game… :thinking:
Nope, we can’t.
The most interesting thing is that 4 adjacent triggers running on a delay at ANY VALUE BELOW .2 will cap at 300. Some sort of lag buffer, mayhaps?