GimKart 3D Deluxe Help

this is unnecessary you can use one trigger[device] being triggered and triggering the same channel (must have interval e.g. 1 second)

It makes more visual sense to use two triggers though.

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a counter would not work in your case because the property is set to the the value of the trigger which wouldn’t work for players to have different scores

Huh. That’s a new idea. You could have the triggerloop only be able to be triggered by team 1 (host). If you want to see my timer, I could show you!

Shouldn’t global time = player time until you finish the race? Then you can just deactivate the triggerloop for one person?

For the ClicClac gimmick, you could deactivate the normal +time trigger that has the 1 second delay, and activate a trigger that has a delay bigger than 1 second, to give the illusion of slowing down time.

Yes please.

I guess I could. My plan was to keep the Universal Time up until everyone finished. But, I think what you said would work better,

For the hacker’s, the best way you could do this would be to put them on a separate team and use a tag zone with auto respawn turned off and the tag radius turned to 3, and have it broadcast on a channel that runs the ability when tagged. Same thing with the banana kart. For the noob kart, you’re going to need a coordinate system. You would have to know where the player is at almost any moment and be able to activate a barrier behind them. Too much work for my taste. For Sr. WyWy’s kart, you could just have buttons in certain locations on the map that only people with Sr. WyWy’s kart could see. They could press the button and activate a prop at the button that blocks something important off (like a key shortcut or something like that).

That makes sense

Thats what I was trying to avoid.

be right back switching classes.

You might just need to pick a different ability. This is the same reason why there aren’t bananas in GK8.

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y’all have your devices in class?

yah. I’m also making GimKart as part of a project, so it was allowed,

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I need to convince one of my teachers to let me do this. Just don’t tell them how good I am at GKC…

For some reason my teacher adores that I can code on GKC. I have made several games for class.

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What games are they? I want to play yours so I can give advice. (if it can be tolerated)

Chromebooks are a part of life. I get to take mine home, but my parents don’t let me take it upstairs, and they are constantly checking my screen when I am on it.

Unfortunately that is advertising and I can’t do that.:frowning: Oh and I didn’t publish them

Advertising? gosh, why is answering a simple question outlawed? y’all, sometimes I feel like these rules are too strict.

No, this is for helping if I wanted to advertise, I could do so on a padlet or on the wixsite. This place is for helping and the Padlet/Wixsite is for advertising.

So I have a predicament. I only have 4 places where overlays can go, but I need to include:

  • Use Item
  • Use Gimmick
  • Use Gimmick (Legendary or Epic Only)
  • Time
  • Place

Is there anything I could cut? I was thinking cutting the Legendary/Epic gimmick, but have no idea what I would replace it with. Is it possible to put an infinite Pop-Up with their place?

Why are there two different gimmick buttons + an item button? What do you mean by speed? You could cut place if you made your game more like F1 racing and made the leaderboard turns instead of time. You could also combine place and time maybe?

For Epic and Legendary Karts, they have a special Gimmick, since they are a higher rarity.