I had nightmares about that floating point error. It’s a huge issue with easily making an accurate timer.
Wait, this is either going to be stoopid or genius. What if you have your timer in seconds, and then you have a timer that counts in 0.1 seconds, and then you attach the 2 timers together?
On paper, it works. In practice, the 0.1 timer lags too much to be considered reliable. Trust me. I checked against the in-game timer. If you want to know how I made my timer, I could make a guide on it…
Uhhhhh. Based on what you said people might get PTSD from just reading it. (I would be interested though)
The actual idea wasn’t that bad, the problem was the endless bug fixing. It NEVER worked. The floating point error always found a way back in, no matter what I did. Then when I finally fixed that, the minute part of the timer broke and I couldn’t figure out why. The total amount of time needed for this was about a month.
Kart Name: TBD can’t think of a good one
Creator Name: @SirWyWy
Description: A very destructive, medium-paced kart that will leave behind … obstrustions
1 Gimmick (Special Ability) Can place rubble in certain spots that will make other karts drive slower over it
Character: Bonsey or stache
Speed: 1.25
Off-road Speed: .75
Specialty Item: Inkblot
YES! sorry got excited Think of the PTSD you would save other people!
Name: Sabotage Kart v1.1
No, I’ve deciding I’m naming it TBD can't think of a good one
Wait why is my kart just named Unavailible?
Some names I’m not sure if they will pass the GKC standards (since 8 years play this). Its not only yours.
Aw man
Wait, name it The Discombobulator then.
Also, change the gimmick name to Recombobulate.
i’ll take one
Name of kart: ThatKart
Creator: ThatGim
Description: Feel the power of being him (or her) whilst using ThatGim(s kart) A dodge styled kart (or a kynami one to match with the sentry skin thing
Gimmick: Has the ability to either speed themselves up or slow everyone else down.
Character: Kynami
Off-Road speed:1.35
Special item: Mushroom
Your off-road speed is very high. Maybe consider changing that
How’s that?
Yeah, that’s good. I don’t want to get too involved, it’s not my game.
Hey guys! So as it says up there one kart left!
And just to let you guys know I may buff/debuff some of your guys speeds just to make them a little more reasonable.
Like for example ClicKart has an offroad speed of 0.4 and the Kitty Kart has an offroad speed of 3.0. Also, depending on the stats you put, I will decide what rarity the kart is, there for determining how to unlock it.
Thanks guys!
is my kart ok its a buggie so the off speed is higher than the normal speed?