GimKart 3D Deluxe!

Please make your own topic then. I don’t want to clutter this up

oops, I sent this after

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Just delete it

Creator name:THE HACKER
Description:This is a tricky kart in which you can use to speed across and sabotage your enemies
Special ability: summon Sentries to annoy your enemies
@harharharhar83 Oh oops why did the k get in there XD tho lemme edit that



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Also @Cellofive wanted me to post his kart:
Cellofive says:

Kart Name: cello kart

Creator Name: cellofive

Description: feel the power of the notes with the cello kart!

1 Gimmick (Special Ability): play a note: stop all players around you for 3 seconds

Speed: 2.0

Off-road Speed: 1.0

Specialty Item (When getting an item has a 25% chance of automatically getting this item): mushroom


uhhhhh i don’t thinks 3,000 is possible XD

Reset your password for gimkit to eliminate the possibility of other people knowing your login info and deleting your maps.


Yo I love stuff like this!

Kart Name
Jobozo’s Kart
Creator Name
Uh me! @Jobozo1875
A fast and balanced cart with its ups and downs
1 Gimmick (Special Ability)
Peaceful Morning: When used, it will set everyone else’s speed to a “peaceful speed” (like 1.5 or something) for 5-7 seconds
Character (The character your karts pairs withs to get buffs, must be a sentry skin)
Vortex Agent
Off-road Speed:
Specialty Item (When getting an item has a 25% chance of automatically getting this item)
Green shell

Wait @harharharhar83: I know the legendary karts are only for you, clicclac, and gimsolver but is there anything special that it does?


@harharharhar83 do you need help with any mechanics, or do you want to add a chat?

kart name: THE FAKE MOON. riding on the moon

Creator name: MOON

Description: you feel like the moon with all the power and your speed.

1 Gimmick (special ability) slow everybody ahead of you and give yourself a speed boost. It called: Dash.

speed 3.1111111111111111

but when you using ability speed 4.5

off road speed 1.
The specialty item is mushroom. the moon goes speed.

(You get it by pressing a button on the kart selection that has a picture of the moon.)

That it @harharharhar83
please allow

The Portal
A cart that has an engine rooted in time itself.
Has double speed for 30 seconds.
Sentry Robot
Speed: 2x
Off-road speed: 1.5x
Specialty item: blue Shell.

Yes, I already did this because I figured that happened.
Sadly there is no way to get them back :frowning:


@harharharhar83 can you add me to the list?

Kart Name
Tank Kart
Creator Name
A tank, with decent normal speed, but is faster than normal off-road.
1 Gimmick (Special Ability)
Increased speed on military-themed maps. Also, has a 2 second stun ability, called Shell Shock
Character (The character your karts pairs withs to get buffs, must be sentry skin)
Off-road Speed:
Specialty Item (When getting an item has a 25% chance of automatically getting this item
Red shell

And done! Hope you add it @harharharhar83

@harharharhar83 , can you check mine out?

YES! gimkart games are fun and i would love to see more of them! heres my kart template btw:

Kitty kart
made by: speedy_kd4
this super speedy kitty kart (spaceship) will take you out of this world with it’s speed!
slows all other karts down.
Dodge, (as myself: speedy)
Speed: 3.5x
Off-road Speed: 3.0
(you can pick item, idrm)


Banana Kart
Creator: Bananas123
Rarity: 1 in existence
Special Ability: “Slips”, or stuns players who get too close to it
Speed: Normal
Specialty Item: 25% chance of getting a banana peel

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Here an interesting idea to make your game a little more unique. Have a unique cart be generated based upon a three character string. If you get this string of characters out of the player’s name they will have a random cart that, if statistically balanced correctly, will make gameplay unique. And assuming no one misspells their name when they join they will have to master their specific stats to win the race.


All added!

They will be hard to unlock and have a special, secret Legendary Gimmick
Epics have a Epic Gimmick
Rares start with a super speed boost
Uncommon start the race with a item
Commons have nothing.